
Testimonial People

Hugging Face

Los Datos son el motor del aprendizaje automático moderno y la base de todo gran modelo de lenguaje. El archivo Software Heritage nos permite recopilar grandes cantidades de código para entrenar grandes modelos de lenguaje de última generación, especialmente para código. Al mismo tiempo, sus principios garantizan que los modelos […]

diciembre 4, 2023

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Hugging Face

Data is the powerhouse of modern machine learning and the foundation of every large language model. The Software Heritage archive allows us to collect vast amounts of code to train state-of-the-art large language models, especially for code. At the same time, their principles ensure that the resulting models benefit all […]

diciembre 4, 2023

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DISI, Università di Bologna

«Software is at the basis of most modern science. The reproducibility of scientific results and the whole concept of scientific research is deeply linked with the preservation and the study of software, in source code. We are committed to study the software, in its many forms, properties and effects. As […]

marzo 14, 2017

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Simon Phipps

Simon Phipps

Open source software is now the assumed default for the IT industry and for every computer user. It is also here to stay for the foreseeable future. We now need to secure past open source achievements, not only because they are part of human history, but also because they will […]

enero 20, 2017

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Jean-François Abramatic

Software is the key to universal access to our web of information. Software has become an essential component of our daily lives. Software must be collected, organized, preserved and shared. We need the Software Heritage project to make this goal a reality. — Jean-François Abramatic, former W3C Chairman

enero 20, 2017

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Serge Abiteboul

Software embodies a large part of all the technical and scientific knowledge that is being developed today. Software Heritage will create the largest public archive of software artifacts, which is an essential infrastructure to grow and disseminate a universal body of knowledge. — Serge Abiteboul

enero 20, 2017

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Gérard Berry

Software is of paramount importance for all our society: our lives, our industry and our well-being have come to literally depend on it. Collecting, preserving and making available all the software is now a necessity. Software Heritage is taking over the task and we all need to support this effort. — Gérard Berry

enero 20, 2017

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Jason Scott

Jason Scott portrait

Software has become the new architecture that our world is built on, and source code its blueprints. Without this vital component of history, we suffer a range of loss: of culture, of understanding, and the ability to reproduce the work of previous generations. Efforts like Software Heritage are vital «seed […]

enero 20, 2017

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