We are delighted to announce that the SWHID deposit for Research Software on HAL and Software Heritage is available on all HAL instances since January 2023. Thanks to a close collaboration between the CCSD, IES-INRIA and the Software Heritage team. The SWHID deposit is an addition to the already existing […]
We are pleased to share that a research software workshop will be held as part of the RDA P20 plenary in Gothenburg and online, on Friday, March 24th. The workshop is organized by partners from the two European projects FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4OSC; Software Heritage is a partner in the projects […]
In June 2020, exactly two years ago in the middle of the pandemic, a dedicated task force was assembled to work on Scholarly Infrastructures Research Software (SIRS) as part of a larger ecosystem called the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), an initiative supported by the European Commission, member states and […]
The stated mission of Software Heritage is to build the universal software source code archive, enabling a wealth of applications in academia, cultural heritage, industry and public administration. This is a humbling undertaking, and will only succeed if a large community teams up to contribute to it. The Software Heritage […]
During the fifth anniversary of Software Heritage, we have unveiled Software Stories, a novel approach to present the history of landmark software projects, making it accessible to a wide range of software enthusiasts without any technical background. The Software Stories project is a joint collaboration with the sciencestories.io team and […]
Building a solid web of knowledge that lasts over time is of paramount importance for academia. A key component of this are the links between the different research outputs, and for this reason references, citations, and various systems of identifiers have been used for centuries, well before the computer era. […]
Software projects are a precious part of our technical, scientific and organisational knowledge, and that’s why Software Heritage’s mission is to collect, preserve and share all their source code. In order to make it easy to discover the software projects you may be interested in, among the tens of millions […]
In recent years, the trend of adding badges to a repository’s README file, became very popular. Many possibilities exist; license, continuous integration, passing tests, peer reviewed, chat, release date, and much more… We are happy to introduce the Software Heritage badges (swh-badges), that you can use to link to the […]
Last week, we had the pleasure to participate in the Research Software Hackathon during the FORCE2019 conference. It was remarkable to see so many people interested in the same goal: making software a first class citizen in the scholarly world. The day started with engaging presentations about the different working […]
FAIRsFAIR is a European project to foster FAIR Data Practices in Europe, which aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. A large part of the technical and scientific knowledge that is being developed today resides in software and […]