
Sponsors (Copy)

Software Heritage has been founded by Inria in 2015.

Pursuing our software preservation mission requires significant resources. We welcome companies, institutions, or individuals who would like to join our sponsorship program and sustain Software Heritage.

Diamond Sponsors


Software is key in CEA’s commitment to transferring knowledge from research to industry. With the Software Heritage Foundation, we stand behind the preservation and sharing of this knowledge. — Al…
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Platinum Sponsors


CNRS’s support to Software Heritage, a universal, open and sustainable software archive, is a natural part of our proactive approach in favour of open science, a necessary revolution in which e…
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Huawei has been working with the open source communities for decades: we are active contributors in projects ranging from the Linux kernel to cloud native computing and machine learning, and we will k…
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Intel has been at the forefront of open source development for nearly two decades and today is a top contributor to the Linux kernel, as well as dozens of leading projects across technology markets an…
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The National Open Science Plan was launched on 4 July 2018 by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.  This plan includes a provision to support Software Heritage, an initiative th…
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Microsoft has been involved in open source initiatives by enabling, integrating, releasing and contributing to many open source projects and communities for well over a decade. We applaud the Software…
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Gold Sponsors

Hugging Face

Partnering with Software Heritage was a great journey for BigCode and Hugging Face. The foundation’s focus on preservation, reproducibility, availability and traceability mirrors many of the values …
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Open Invention Network

Open source software has been one of the instrumental, driving forces of innovation this century. Software Heritage is an important organization for software, having already archived more than 6 billi…
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At ServiceNow we recognize the value and importance of preserving open-source software for the benefit of the community and the advancement of research. We are dedicated to developing models that are …
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Société Générale

We are aware of the code’s value for our digital transformation, it has become a major asset for the bank and we firmly believe that we must preserve it in the long term. Open Source lies at the hea…
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Sorbonne Université

Firmly committed to open science, which is at the heart of its project, Sorbonne University supports Software Heritage. By helping to collect and to share software, Software Heritage contributes to on…
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Université Paris Cité

By supporting the Software Heritage initiative, Université Paris Cité continues its commitment to the free and responsible sharing of knowledge and research software. — Christine Clerici, Presiden…
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Silver Sponsors


A longstanding, stable software repository like the Software Heritage is of direct interest to us, since our aerospace and defense customers are often responsible for projects lasting several decades.…
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CRKN consortium

CRKN consortium includes: Memorial University of Newfoundland,  Université de Montréal,  University of Toronto,  York University,  University of Saskatchewan,  University of New Brunswick,  We…
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Directorate General of Armaments – DGA

“The Directorate General of Armaments supports the Software Heritage archive which, through the safeguarding of our common digital heritage, enables us to build the future of our digital systems…
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French Government (DINUM)

Open Data is the fuel, and Software is the engine of the digital transformation that is driving change in all aspects of modern societies. By collecting, preserving and sharing all the source code …
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GitHub recognizes the crucial importance of open source software and the work of millions of developers, around the globe, collaborating together. We at GitHub see it as part of our responsibility to …
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Free and open source software has always been a vital part of Google, as we use and contribute to thousands of projects. It encourages the development of innovative new technology, and opens doors for…
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Università di Pisa

Pisa has been the first Italian University to foresee the future relevance of computer science, and it has committed to its development early on: by supporting the building of the first computer desig…
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Bronze Sponsors


SCANOSS provides precise open-source identification and intelligence to assist organizations in managing their open-source software, reducing licensing risks, and enhancing the security and sustainabi…
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Scuola Normale Superiore

The Scuola Normale Superiore is proud to contribute to the mission of the Software Heritage, born thanks to the pioneering intuition of professor Roberto Di Cosmo, a former student in Informatics of t…
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Université de Lorraine

Software is often at the heart of the scientific endeavor in most disciplines, all the way from tiny pieces of it to worldwide, decades long, millions of lines projects. Its archival, openness and cit…
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University of Bologna

Software is at the basis of most modern science. The reproducibility of scientific results and the whole concept of scientific research is deeply linked with the preservation and the study of software…
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Hall of fame

CAST Software

CAST is strongly committed to helping any software organization willing to leverage open source artifacts. We are proud to support Software Heritage’s noble mission and to collaborate on creatin…
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Software Sustainability is one of the core elements to accelerate discovery. Reproducibility of scientific results, but also reusability and findability of software are core principles in science DANS…
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Nokia Bell Labs

Software is redefining the whole information and communication infrastructure, and embodies a growing amount of scientific and technical knowledge that is essential for the very existence of our moder…
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Red Hat

As the largest open source company in the world, we’ve spent more than two decades collaborating on community projects and protecting open source licenses so we can continue to develop software that…
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UQAM supports and assumes the mission of Software Heritage. We are convinced that it is imperative to preserve and promote access to software that contributes to knowledge dissemination. We also recog…
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To collect, preserve, and share all software that is publicly available in source code form is a tremendous task and a tremendously important one. VMware believes that open source software is an essen…
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